Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Next 18 Months

Hello everyone, this is Kendra, Jenica's sister and I told her that while she was on her mission I would make her a blog and post some of her letters for everyone to read. Little information first, she left for the MTC on November 30 and will be in the Provo MTC until December 27 then she will be going to the Dominican Republic MTC for the following 6 weeks. She is serving in the Dominican Republic Santiago mission for the next 18 months and will be speaking spanish. When she left she could not have been more excited and our family could not be more proud of her. We all love her very much and will miss her dearly. We love you Jenica.


  1. We plan to follow this blog. Thank you for doing it. Aunt Melanie

  2. So, excited! Definitely going to follow the blog.

  3. I guess Jenica is now in missionary mode because she has stopped writing! Kendra, where is she!?
