Friday, February 24, 2012

Adjusting to the new life

OK, I thought I wasn't going to be able to write again this week because we didn't have electricity when we left our house today. I was really really praying that somehow I'd be able to and I could!!! SEriously, little things like that really affirm how much Heavenly FAther cares about the little things for us. 

I don't have as much time to write this week, but I want to let you all know that I am doing lots better. I am getting adjusted and I feel like I'm starting to enjoy it more. It has been kind of hard, especially because Hermana Olsen the other Hermana that came with me to this mission actually went home this last week because she was sick and honestly was having too much of an emotional time. It was pretty hard on me. It made me realize how fragile the mission really is. I keep on thinking about how long the mission is, but at the same time, I get frustrated at myself for thinking that, because I just want to enjoy the mission! I think I'm gradually starting to really enjoy everything more. I'ts just taking some time to adjust to everything. It's definitely different living with a foreign companion. We have different customs that she thinks are weird. It's kind of funny actually. Like she won't eat broccoli or carrots because she thinks they're dirty because they grow in the ground, but she will brush her teeth with the water here. Haha, seriously, that doesn't make sense to me. And she thinks its weird that I walk around when I brush my teeth and don't stay in the bathroom, ahah. Anyways, we're getting used to eachother and it's gradually getting better. 

Their culture is definitely different. A good way to explain it is... they are very loud and basically... bossy. yep, haha. you could see how they would be hard for me. Everyone has their opinion about EVERYTHING. sometimes our lessons go on and on because the people just talk and talk and talk. haha. Seroiusly, the people love to talk. I'm learning to be a really good listener, or at least look like I'm listening, because I can only understand about half of what they say, haha. Although, my spanish or at least ability to understand definitely is improving. I can understand way more this week than I could the first week. 

As for mom's questions... Yes we cook for ourselves and we do our laundry kind of by hand I guess. there's a machine that kind of mixes them around with soap for 15 min, but you have to take it out and wash it again and rinse and rinse and then you put it in this other machine to spin dry it and then take it out to hang dry. Definitely a longer process, but I'm getting faster at it. As of right now, I'm just grateful we have hot water in this house. Seriously... that is something I'll have to get  used to when I get transferred. It's not always super hot, but not freezing cold. I'm starting to learn the schedule of when we have electricity too. It's usually friday and sunday mornings and other random mornings when they forget to turn it off I think. I literally am super grateful when we have electricity. Oh the little things. I'm going to be in heaven when I return. This last week started out rough, but it really has gotten better. I can feel your prayers. Thank you. Really. They mean a lot of me. I know Heavenly Father is aware of each and every one of us and I'm so grateful for that.

Also, this last week we're really been focusing on getting the members to read the Book of Mormon. I have such a strong belief that the book of mormon can literally change someone's life. I'm so grateful for it. I know there's huge power in reading the book of mormon every day. Our family has confirmed that to me. Thank you family for being so awesome and writing me! I don't have time to write all of you back this week, but I'm VERY grateful for the letters!!!
Hermana Limb

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