Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Correction..... CUBA is open for missionary work!

haha I'm a dork. I accidentally wrote Haiti las week instead of CUBA. Haiti has already been open for a while!!! But CUBA is open as of in like 10 days or something. As of what we know right now, they'll send the spanish missionaries. we'll see!!!

This week I thought I'd write a little bit about the people and culture. There are some FUNNy things really. It's ridiculous sometimes. haha.

Ok so the people here are actually like african americans, but there are also people here that are kind of white. It throws me off. So they all speak very loud and energetically ALL the time. SEriously. Even in sacrament meeting. Oh and even though they are quite poor here, like their homes are concrete floors with tin roofs, their clothes are always very nice. My sisters will appreciate this... they all have super cute jeans!! haha it's funny actually. My companion says that they are "vanity" haha, it's the only english word she knows to explain it. Oh and the girls have black girl hair and so they only wash their hair once every 1 or 2 weeks and when they get their hair done, they put it in a dew rag and sometimes a shower cap and walk around the town to keep their hair nice. My companion does this all the time. It's hilarious. Oh and ladies will walk around the town with huge curlers in their hair, waiting for their hair to dry and it's completely Normal. haha. Basically, even though they have humble homes and situations, they all are very aware of their looks. It's quite funny. 

I'm so thankful for this gospel. 
Hermana Limb

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